Rediscovering our Curiousity
March is the beginning of spring and this is a time of new beginnings. The days get lighter, the weather warmer and new plants and flowers begin to flourish. These things are freely available for us to observe, to approach and enjoy with curiousity. The more we really see them the more beautiful they will appear to us
Mindfulness encourages us to rediscover our curiosity. Being curious encourages us to step outside the box of our everyday experience and to really look at everyday things from a new perspective.
Listening is another way of being curious. When a friend or colleague talks to us practice really listening, being curious about what they are saying instead of waiting impatiently to put your point of view or news across.
Use all of your senses to fully experience the rebirth of nature. Wake up and smell the flowers and see the wonderful possibilities in your life at this time, in this moment, moment by moment and breath by breath.